*Note: Economic Street is not affiliated with any political or religious organisations. To maintain our ethical and professional standards, the work we provide for specialist religious institutions is carried out by a member of the Economic Street team who is qualified to speak on that specific topic.
In October 2016, we were invited by Bestway International Christian Centre, a Pentecostal denomination church headquartered in London, for a panel discussion on Money and Debt at their Women’s Conference.
We participated in a 4-member panel discussion on what debt it is; whether debt is a sin or not; whether it a good or bad thing; problems that can arise because accumulating debt; and solutions for managing and getting out of debt. The topic was explored from both biblical foundations and a professional standpoint, deconstructing some misconceptions along the way.
Laolu provided some key economic and financial insights for the members of the congregation to understand and consider when intending on taking on debt and managing their finances in general
You can revisit the discussion below.